nov 2020 | Words on geography

a wonder around

a running essay on the “dérive”

have a wonder


 oct 2020 | words on geography

the wake beneath our soles

on psychogeography and the radicalism of 1950s paris

take to the streets


feb 2020 | words on geography

the Hólar deposit

revisiting a research project that aimed to unravel the origins of an icelandic volcanic deposit

to the field


 mar – apr 2018 | words on geography

unmerited fame at siccar point

a renowned site of geologic discovery, with a reputation that exceeds its scientific significance



jan 2017 – apr 2018 | words on geography

high arctic people and change

 gaining insight into sociocultural and environmental challenges an inuit community faces in the 21st century

to the top of the world
