Hi! I’m Bridget Ye, a writer and photographer from Hong Kong and Beijing who likes earth science and collecting rocks. Before moving to New York City, I graduated from the University of Edinburgh with an MA (Hons) in Geography. As of 2023, I’m finishing up a master’s in science writing at Johns Hopkins University. I was the Science Communications Assistant at the U.S. National Park Service’s Northeast Coastal and Barrier Network, where I completed one year of AmeriCorps service. I am now the Communications, Design & Language Access Coordinator at NYC Kids RISE.

I have written for the Royal Scottish Geographical Society’s Young Geographer, Japan Travel, and the National Park Service website; and photographed for Film at Lincoln Center and Asian AF. Portions of my science field notebooks were featured in the National Writing Project and National Park Service’s Write Out 2022: STEAM-Powered.


weapons of choice:

Nikon D810
Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8
Nikkor 35mm f/1.8

[1] my dad’s old Ricoh
[2] a red Konica Pop, purchased for £3 at
an Edinburgh flea market (retired)

x-acto knife, paper, pen, ink, tablet